Fantastic easy reading article, love your easy flowing and natural style…I am sure you are a great family man. SLEEP is so under rated and yet so fundamental to HEALTH thanks for your efforts to look at sleep in a less boring manner than scientists do ..they literally put one to sleep after tow or three lines !!!! …one just has to miss a few nights sleep to see how fast we fall apart without it :-) …Sleep deprivation is a well known tool used to break people.
I would be interested to see how the seasons affect your study…you did this going into winter right ? …One issue for males, as we get older we need to rise and pee at least once during the night, so getting back to sleep can be a real issue…especially if you start thinking about it. Sleep is hugely psychological and as soon as you start to think about having a certain sleep problem then your mind will do a magnificent job of proving you right…hence my recommendation to consider use self hypnosis and/or meditation and/or breathing exercises to assist sleep as well…Another item you probably could have popped onto your list would have been WORRY and STRESS …these definitely hit into your quality of sleep…ironic as it is when you need good sleep the most…Thanks again for a wonderful informal and most insightful study.