Member-only story
Keeping clean in Quarantine
The importance of a healthy daily routine
Seeing people walk around the pyjamas, unwashed and blurry-eyed early afternoon doesn’t have many excuses….a hangover, being sick, long haul travel, night shifts …but quarantine is not one of them!
It’s easy to sink into a meaningless rut, lost in time, no idea what day it is, we forget the time, the days become jumbled …Groundhog Day (fun movie if you have the time). Our most valuable asset on this earth is TIME …but only if we use it right. Set yourself small goals and establish a routine …be conscious of time.
My father was not a morning person, so when he retired I expected him to take full advantage and tap into good sleep-ins each and every day. Wisely, he set rules, created a solid routine and so each weekday he got up at 06.30 and started his life …Unfortunately, it started with the news (not usually cheerful ..especially in South Africa..), he shaved, washed, had breakfast etc…he stuck with this until illness glued him to bed. I recall even in his final days assisting him to the bathroom, despite his frail condition, he painstakingly washed his hands and took great care to try and comb his hair…he knew the value of routine.

Keeping a routine will give you structure and strength, it will assist you to maintain perspective on reality and not lose yourself in timelessness…