Thanks for sharing...I've spent a great deal of my life being the only whity Gabon they called me 'le blanc' ...usually not in a bad way but I would be happier if nothing was said, I also paid more for taxi will be hard to get rid of these things....if any trouble starts in a village it is highly likely that the whitie will get it in the neck, or the Indian or whoever else looks foreign...I got used to that early on and still absolutely love Africa and Africans ...I just accept it, it is my home ...society tends to just adopt a herd mentality (like sheep) as part of their survival reflexes ...but I can imagine it must be extremely hurtful to be a black American and still be treated as a 'foreigner' many of my favourite stars are black ...Samuel L Jackson, Eddy Murphy, ...and musicians ..such talent and warmth ....sportsmen...Mohammed AIi have a lot of black friends (from Africa because I'm African (just white) ...) ...but I will never be black despite wishing I was sometimes so I could just be less noticed ...and blend in....I used to think blacks are too sensitive to this issue but I can see this runs deep and there is a lot of real nasty racism which needs be eradicated and blacks feel it more than whites ...I wish it didn't but it does...perhaps too many people are just much stems from ignorance and fear...I visited the States years back (1992) with a mate of mine from South Africa and we took a bus (not many whites in it I have to say - in Florida) and I offered my seat to a black lady...she was so surprised...and nearly fell over when she heard we from SA...we had a good laugh and a lovely bus ride ...we also noticed the black suburbs and where very surprised how similar the states was to apartheid in SA....a lot of segregation ....I hope this world can grow out of this soon...we will takes time, education and good people standing together and crushing racism of all sorts...that means leave Jews, Indians, Asians as well........not easy...humans are sort of wired to seek out differences and then open their big mouths without thinking ....God bless and be safe brother