The hype /scare/fear is typically mostly about the fact that we are dealing with so many unknowns…this provides a perfect breeding ground for misinformation, intentionally and unintentionally, there are plenty of people taking advantage of this situation….increasingly politically motivated too.
It will take some time to get the real facts and make a more rational assessment. My colleague works in China (as a doctor) and is fit and well, has no masks etc…I am sure she will be fine…. let's keep things in perspective. Public health authorities (WHO etc…) need to work conscientiously at controlling panic…which I believe will do more damage while society remains so helplessly clutched in the grip of fear….when Corona has passed around the globe a few times….there will be another virus and another ….we better get used to this, it is called life….Live, Love and make the best of each and every precious moment. Be blessed.